CPR Classes

We offer CPR Classes through Nation's Best CPR/American Red Cross!  

Please fill out our contact page so we can set you up with a class ASAP. 

Fitness Studio Classes

Anyone who needs certified, whether that is for work, foster care, etc can take one of our community classes. They are typically weekly and last for about an hour and a half. We offer our classes in a "blended learning" style, which includes both an online portion (that needs to be completed before attending the actual class session) and a hands on class experience. This is done so that you can come to class ready for the hands on practice and is not lecture style. If interested in taking one of our classes, please fill the information out on our "Contact" Page.  

On-Site Classes

If your entire work force needs to be certified, then we can have one of our instructors come out to your location and do the training there. We will provide all of the equipment, and certificates will be given to both the student and the supervisor. Any other questions about on-site training or if interested, please fill out your information under "Contact Page".